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Wish believes...

We believe that all animals - regardless of age, size, breed or disability - deserve a loving family and should be considered for adoption. We will do our very best to match your family with a suitable pet to promote a happy, forever adoption.


We believe in full disclosure to adopters. Adopters have a right to all factual information we have about an animal they are considering adopting, including but not limited to, information regarding the number of known previous homes, the original source of the animal (i.e. stray, owner surrender), medical information and care (i.e. HW status, vaccinations received), documented behavioral concerns (i.e. leash reactive, food/resource guarding) and formal training provided by the rescue prior to adoption.

We believe pets are a lifetime commitment. Domesticated animals rely on us to provide them with food, water, shelter, companionship, medical care, training and love for their lifetime. These necessities become your responsibility when you choose to become a pet owner. Dogs can live more than fifteen years and cats can live for twenty or more years. Please be sure to consider this when deciding to add a four-legged friend to your family. We understand that sometimes unforeseen situations occur which impair a person’s ability to adequately care for their pet. In these situations, it is the pet owner’s responsibility to find a safe and suitable placement which can provide the pet with all they need to thrive.

We believe dogs, cats, and small animals are indoor, companion animals. Research shows a significant increase in behavioral concerns for outside dogs and dogs who spend a majority of the time tethered or caged. Additionally, outdoor living poses a higher risk to the health and welfare of the animal. This includes a shorter life span, a higher incidence of preventable diseases such as Heartworm, Feline Leukemia (FeLV), Feline AIDS (FIV), fleas/ticks and internal parasite infestations. Dogs and cats are social animals who require companionship as a vital component of their well-being. These animals should be an important and valued part of your family’s daily life.

We believe that humane, force/fear free, evidence-based training methods, enrichment and socialization are key for a happy, healthy and harmonious life for humans and pets. We believe in prioritizing positive reinforcement training as aligned with the American Veterinary Society for Animal Behavior's most current position statement on humane og training, without the use of fear, force, or aversive methods (such as prong, shock/electric, or choke collars). We believe that pets thrive on enrichment and that mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise in keeping pets happy and content. Socialization throughout a pet’s life with people and other animals is incredibly important to promote positive relationships and safe interactions within the home and community. These three pieces are key for preventing new and working through any behavioral concerns you may have. AVSAB Position Statement on Humane Training

We believe all pets should receive regular, at least annual, veterinary care by a licensed veterinarian. We believe dogs and cats should be spayed or neutered unless this procedure poses a threat to the animal’s health due to pre-existing medical conditions or advanced age and has been advised against by a veterinarian. We believe dogs and cats should be vaccinated as appropriate for preventable diseases including parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies, panleukopenia, calicivirus and feline viral rhinotracheitis. We believe in consulting with a licensed veterinarian to determine your pet’s health plan, which may include the use of titer testing to determine an animal’s immunity to prevent over-vaccination, as well as three-year vaccinations when deemed appropriate.

We believe cats should keep their claws. Onychectomy, or “declawing”, is the surgical amputation of all or part of a cat’s third phalanges (toe bones) and the attached claws. This is a major surgery with serious implications for the cat’s health, behavior and well-being. Special considerations should be provided to cats who have been subjected to this procedure.  You can read more about Onychectomy here: AVMA Position Statement

We believe dogs should keep their ears and tails. There is no evidence to support any health benefit from ear-cropping or tail-docking dogs. These are cosmetic procedures for body modification with potential negative side-effects and of no benefit to the animal. In some cases, tail-docking is necessary as a treatment option for tail trauma and should only be done under the guidance of a licensed veterinarian. In all other cases, it is a cosmetic procedure for the owners benefit. You can read more about tail-docking and ear-cropping here: Tail Docking  and  Ear Cropping Position Statements

We believe quality of life needs to be a priority over quantity of life when considering options for animals with significant health or behavioral concerns. Euthanasia will only be considered if: (1) the animal is suffering as a result of incurable or unmanageable health concerns, despite our best efforts and top veterinary care to provide comfort and relief or (2) if the animal poses a danger to society or would experience a significantly diminished quality of life long-term as a result of behavioral concerns which persist despite exhaustion of medical and appropriate behavioral training options.

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